Omni Team

15 Mar 2023

Ambassador Spotlight:
Scott Bell


“The Omnicharge Ultimate has made me feel confident I can spend one to two days off the grid and not run out of power for the projects I work on.”

Scott Bell is a filmmaker living in one of the most beautiful spots on the planet: Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Scott is passionate about capturing the beauty of the natural world and telling the stories of the people who explore it. With Omnicharge's power solutions for the action sports industry, he can always stay connected and keep filming.

An Organic Beginning

Scott wasn’t always a professional filmmaker. He got his start as an organic farmer, in fact. But even back then, he says he always had a camera in his hand. He loved taking pictures of the natural world and sharing images with people in the community. His life took a new turn when he discovered that his camera could also shoot video footage. He told Omnicharge, “I started creating short films on my weekends and evenings, and soon video work consumed enough of my time that I decided to take it on full time.” Pretty soon, Scott partnered with a mountain biker who needed help filming his adventures. From there, Scott started collaborating with travel-friendly brands in the action sports industry.

A Love for Storytelling

Scott’s work has taken him far from home. He’s traveled to Iceland, among other places. He’s gone on tour with cyclists, and he’s filmed athletic events. What drives him? He says it’s two things: a passion for the natural world and a fascination with the people who explore that world. He thrives on collaboration. Working with athletes while telling their stories is important to him and inspires him to do his best work. What powers him up when he’s out in the field? Omnicharge’s all-in-one advanced power bank makes sure that his gear is always in tiptop running condition.

Even when he’s far from the nearest outlet, he can always charge up his devices with Omnicharge.

 A Unique Style

 Scott’s style is all his own. He loves to zero in on beautiful details, from the dewdrops on an ancient tree to the decal on a mountain bike. He layers electronic music behind the scenes of a green forest. His trademark “What’s up, y’all?” opens every video.

Most of his videos are natural scenes, but he does include some gear reviews, like this one explaining why the Omni Ultimate premium power supply is a game-changer for him.

Staying Powered Up With Omnicharge

Scott travels with a lot of equipment. In addition to his camera, lenses, and tripod, he also needs a drone for overhead filming. But because he’s always on the go, he doesn’t want to be loaded down with heavy batteries. That’s why Omnicharge's professional solutions are a great fit. In fact, they're a great fit for most people in creative fields.

“The Omnicharge Ultimate has made me feel confident I can spend one to two days off the grid and not run out of power for the projects I work on,” Scott told Omnicharge. “It means I can keep my drone in the air longer and shoot multiple days with my cinema camera.”

Scott can charge all his devices with the same Omnicharge product. And unlike other power solutions, Omnicharge's removable battery is easy to bring onto planes, too.

Staying powered up for longer is a win for Scott and for his audience. It means more time in nature, more collaboration, and more great filmmaking.